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Banned Book Hunt

banned book hunt flyer

This year for Banned Books Week, I utilized the painted rock craze and did a Banned Book Hunt.

banned book rocks

I wanted to choose books suitable for different age groups. I narrowed it down to these four:

"Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak, banned for being "too dark" and for supernatural themes; "Captain Underpants" by Dav Pilkey, banned for insensitivity and being unsuited to age group, as well as encouraging children to disobey authority; "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky, banned for being "obscene" and its depiction of drug and alcohol use; "1984" by George Orwell, banned on social and political grounds, as well as sexual content.

I hid the rocks in different places around town, then posted clues during Banned Books Week in the Facebook Event Page for the activity. Finders got a copy of the book to keep!

There was a lot of interest and positive feedback about this event. I will probably do it again next year with different banned books.

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